IP POE network surveillance cameras need Switch devices like those used in traditional computer networks, but switches must support POE technology, which allows surveillance cameras to be connected to networks without the need for power cables to feed them with energy, only through DCS Egypt IP POE surveillance cameras work in two ways either using POE switches and also through traditional power supplies, whichever is available.
Is it possible to operate IP POE surveillance cameras without an NVR digital recorder
Of course it can, these cameras can work online directly without the need for digital projectors and recording devices, as their lists can be accessed and watched online from any mobile phone or computer, and through the professional programs provided by DCS Egypt, all recording, archiving and control services can be added from traditional computers and can be easily linked to DVR devices The international VACRON brand without the need for additional costs.
Mobile surveillance cameras in all directions with zoom feature | VACRON PTZ
Prices for installing indoor and outdoor mobile surveillance cameras PTZ
Advanced PTZ surveillance cameras can provide the most accurate image clarity with fast moving in any direction horizontally and vertically and with the highest quality specifications, most types of PTZ surveillance cameras are characterized by their superior ability to move and rotate 360 degrees horizontally and vertically for more than 150 degrees and they are mostly insulated and manufactured to be resistant to flame, fire and water leakage.
PTZ surveillance cameras
Prices of mobile surveillance cameras in Egypt
Moving surveillance cameras are sold at relatively high prices than other types of surveillance cameras, of course, because they are equipped with very fast motors for vertical and horizontal movement, as well as compound lenses and equipped with optical and digital zoom, surveillance cameras