The different types of queue management system

The device numbers the queue from .. Discrimination for security systems-Doha-Qatar …

The customer waiting system consists of a superbly designed device that features a touch screen and a thermal printer and is used as an automated queue management system. The device has a variety of designs that the customer can choose from according to the needs of his organization and the prevailing culture. The touch screen displays the services provided by the establishment (service lists can be managed from the control panel) and the user can choose any of these services (these services are displayed in English, Arabic and any other language the customer wishes to add) and get a waiting Number card that displays the following: company name, date and time

The card number and the service for this card

The average waiting time for the provision of service for this card

A custom message will display for example the bottom of the card and the average waiting time for the service for this card from .. Discrimination for security systems-Doha-Qatar …

The Q-system system provided by RSI concepts is characterized by a powerful software architecture and designed according to the standards of the global network, which makes its application and maintenance easy. Below we explain the main parts of the system server that makes it excellent in meeting the needs and requirements of organizations that receive large numbers of customers on a regular basis. For staff management

Windows Management will provide the service from .. Discrimination for security systems-Doha-Qatar …

Manage the waiting Number card service, voice announcement program, branch management and department management

The user verification, authorization, reporting engine and guest posting system consists of a single ticket dispenser, keyboard and display. To contact any customer when the order is ready. The screen will display the relevant and practical numbers . From

1. Getting a ticket from a ticket reseller is simple.

2. Guests order food, register the operator. The ticket is kept by the guests.

3. Guests are waiting at the bench, doing anything they like.

4. The operator calls the guests by pressing a number from the keyboard when the order is ready for collection or when their table is ready to be seated.

5. The main screen will display the numbers with a “DING DONG " reminder.

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The future of queue management in Qatar
How to install an intercom system

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